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Wanted: Translators of Adrenal Insufficiency Steroid Card
05 Apr 2024

The BSPED adrenal insufficiency steroid card for sick days and emergencies has been extremely well
received by health care professionals nationally. We have had several requests for translated versions
of the card and are therefore looking for BSPED members who are willing and able to translate the card
into a different language.

If you are fluent in another language (or already have a translation within your trust), please get in
touch with Christine Desmond who is coordinating this project. We would like to find two members for
each language so that one can translate the card and the other check/review the translation.

So far, we have translators for the following languages so are just seeking a reviewer for these:
• Slovakian
• Romanian
• Turkish
• Urdu

We already have Arabic and Polish translators and reviewers.

For other languages we seek two fluent speakers.

The translated cards will be available on the BSPED website in due course, once reviewed and
approved. Please contact Christine Desmond, Southampton to offer your services.